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                          If 2020 taught me anything it would be that life can be unpredictable and one
                          needs to prepare for the unthinkable. 2020 should have broken us but alas we
                          thrived, I thrived. It’s very true that things were hard and that too many lives
                          were lost, MTSRIP!

                          We must also acknowledge that it hasn’t all been bad and in fact a lot
                          of businesses and some individuals reached optimum growth owing to
                          COVID-19 with one great example being Jeff Bezos CEO of Amazon, who
                          between March and April 2020, amid the pandemic, said to have hired 175,000
                          additional workers and is now at a whopping $187B net worth as of 12/22/20.
                          How is that for positioning?

                          I think positioning works a lot like faith, having the confidence in what we
                          hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Both dependant on your
                          ability to work towards what you want to achieve.

                          As we enter 2021 I challenge to yet again be Intentional, Deliberate and Bold
                          with a dose of Positioning. Define success and work towards that by simply
                          positioning yourself to attain it. I must make mention that none of this is easy
                          so you will need a lot of help, find a tribe of loyal disciple-like people willing
                          to invest in you and your path to success. Most importantly invest in yourself.
                          Find people suited for you and the person you are becoming.

                          Lets do 2021 with newly found power, purpose, position and prowess.

                          Lets Meet in 2021.


                             Mara Zhanet

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